Biyernes, Oktubre 14, 2016

Lesson 18: Roles and functions of an Educational Media Center

Mission/Vision - The Education Media Center functions as a vital instrument as well as a basic requirement for quality education by enriching all parts of the school’s educational process.


1.      Orientation 

  •   All new teachers are given an orientation on the EMC, its program, role in the total Ateneo academic organization, services, facilities, guidelines and procedures during their in-service program.

2.     Selection of print and non-print materials

  •    The librarians continually select and acquire print and non-print materials that suit the needs, interest and special abilities of the students and teachers.

3.   Organization of print and non-print materials 

  •    A technical librarian organizes all the purchased print and non-print materials for easy retrieval.

4.     Circulation of print and non-print materials

  •   The EMC lends out various types of materials to students and teachers.

5.     Reference

  •    The EMC attends to request such bibliographic information from the card catalog, search through books, periodicals, pamphlets, documents and non-print materials.

6.     Bibliographic Service 

  •    There are listings of materials and periodical articles to publicize the new materials and periodical articles in the EMC.

7.     Media Instruction Program 

  •    The Media Instruction Program (MIP) aims to teach students to be skillful and discriminating users of print and non-print.

8.     Class Supervised Research 

  •    It is a scheduled program of activity particularly in Science and Social Studies.

9.     Grade Level Newspaper 

  •    Each grade level is given a subscription to a newspaper of their choice.

10.  Mags-on-wheels 

  •    Selected professional and general interest journals are routed in the different grade levels and service area.

11.   Photocopying Service 

  •   A self-service photocopying machine is available for the faculty to Xerox materials needed.

12.  Video and Sound Production

  •   Simple productions for class instruction, program and school wide presentations are put together in the Audio-Visual area.

13. Multi-media Services

  •   Different non-print media materials are acquired. Teachers are encouraged to maximized use of their materials.   

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